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Alison Stieven-Taylor

Writer * Scholar * University Lecturer * Photographer

I've been a writer all my life. I wrote my first book when I was 6 y.o. and I haven't looked back. Today I am a freelance writer with more than 20 years experience and am published in over 50 titles worldwide. 

I specialise as a features writer and interviewing people about their lives is one of the perks.  I've written a couple of books too, including the best-selling Rock Chicks: The Hottest Female Rockers from the 1960s to Now. 

I am also a PhD scholar and a university lecturer currently at Monash University, Melbourne (Australia).

I've had a fascinating career, working in both journalism and media communications with some of the world's leading brands.  

Words. I love them. Research. It is my middle-name.

Photographs. My passion. Visual language informs my writing. My blog Photojournalism Now combines both.

Let's collaborate.  

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Check out some of my recent articles

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The Visual Journalist as a Social Entrepreneur

September 1 2020


Review - Civilisation: The Way We Live Now

September 16 2019


Review - Conversations on Conflict Photography by Lauren Walsh

November 22 2019

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View from my window - sharing lockdown in pictures

June 30 2020

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Australian Financial Review Weekend Magazine

A selection of articles written for Australia's leading financial newspaper

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The Eye of Photography
(L'Oeil de la Photographie)

For the past six years I've written for this French journal that reaches 200,000 readers

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Pro Photo

Some of my front cover stories for the longest running photography magazine in Australia

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Photojournalism Now

This is my blog. I publish every Friday, a round up that features interviews, exhibitions, and interesting snippets on the changing world of photojournalism and social documentary photography.

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A few articles you may enjoy reading...

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The Power & the Passion
Head On 2018, Pro Photo

May 2018

The death of one’s parents is perhaps one of the greatest emotional hurdles in life, and documenting their demise adds another layer of intensity. When American photographer Nancy Borowick’s mother and father were dying from cancer at the same time she turned to photography as a way of navigating the emotional storm. A Life in Death is the extraordinary result, a body of work that captures the journey of her parents as they underwent treatment for stage-four cancer together. It’s a story “about life and love more than cancer and death,” a story that is both heartbreaking and heart-warming. A Life in Death is one of the feature exhibitions of this year's festival...


Indochine - In Search of Identity
AFR Weekend magazine

May, 2018

In Saigon to shoot her latest series Indochine, Australian photo artist Samantha Everton went in search of props, including a live Macaw. One steamy Saturday morning Everton found herself on a bridge spanning a swamp that lead to a derelict part of the city. Unsure of her direction she hesitated. Suddenly a motorbike raced by, birdcages strapped to the back. Within minutes the air was thick with the spectacle of Macaws exercising. Everton had found the Saigon Macaw Club...


Sandro Miller: John Malkovich, David Lynch and Plato
The Eye of Photography

11 September 2017

When you look at the collaborative work of American photographer Sandro Miller and actor John Malkovich you can see immediately that these two click. This unique partnership and sharing of inspired energy culminates in work that truly surprises not only in its grandeur, but also in the depth of its creation. In their latest endeavour, Psychogenic Fugue, Malkovich portrays characters from David Lynch’s cinematic oeuvre, as well as the director himself. In this 20-minute film Sandro Miller and John Malkovich take you on a rollercoaster ride into the bizarre, trippy, intense and utterly entertaining world of Lynch through a series of riveting vignettes...

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The Lost Rolls America
Witness, World Press Photo

7 February 2018

When photojournalist Ron Haviv found 200 rolls of undeveloped film, he began a journey of discovery that culminated in the 2015 publication of his book The Lost Rolls.

As he revisited his own images, a number of which he had forgotten he’d taken and a few which he couldn’t recall at all, he began to think about all the rolls of undeveloped film that must be sitting in people’s attics, basements and junk drawers. He canvassed those who attended his book launches and was “blown away” by the response...

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Larger than Life, Nels Israelson
NZ Pro Photographer

October 2015

"...he recalls an exchange with Morgan Freeman (on the set of Red), one of his favourite people to photograph. “The first time I met him he said, ‘You know there are two things I hate: one is having to make stuff up when I talk to the media; and the other is having my picture taken’.” Israelson laughs at the recollection. “So I said, ‘That’s okay, Mr Freeman, I’m not here to take your picture’. He kind of looked at me sideways, like I was messing with him. I said, ‘I just need a few moments with your character’. He gave me a big smile, and asked, ‘What kind of moments did you have in mind’?”...


Her Own Yellow Brick Road
AFR Weekend

6-7 February, 2016

“London gave me the freedom to go ballistic,” said Robyn Beeche, the Australian photographer who was considered the “Andy Warhol of London” and a central figure in that city’s counter-culture during the 1970s and 1980s…”

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